Friday 14 March 2008

Year 2 Residential Trip to Kingswood Staffordshire


What an exciting week this is going to be!

Our Year 2 children are going with their Teachers to stay and play at the Kingswood Activity centre in Staffordshire.

I'll start by introducing you to Mrs. Johnson and Violet. Mrs. Johnson is the first person you meet on entering our school.

Mrs Johnson deals with the administration of our busy school, so what a treat to give her a break from paperwork! and give the children a treat to see her in a different light!

Violet is our trip mascot, throughout the week I'll take photos of her and Mrs. Johnson working with the children.

During the week I will take time out to update you on the childrens activities, a, sort of on-line diary!

I'll keep in touch throughout the week
Mr.P. Wallace


Jase said...

Hi Year 2, let's hope the weather stays dry for you and you all have lots and lots fun. Looking forward to seeing the photo's.


Zoe & Jason (Matthew's Mum & Dad)

Jonathan said...

Hi, hope you are all having lots of fun! Hi Freya & Olivia remember to brush your teeth before bed.
See you soon

Lots of Love

Andrea, Jonathan & Finley
(Freya's Mum, Dad & Brother)

Hayley said...

Hi Emily Pike, Hope you and your classmates are having a wonderful time at Kingswood. Have fun and hope the weather is fine for you. Lots of love from Mum, Dad and Sam xxxx

ShopGirl said...

hello everybody
hope you're all having lots of fun!!

love Oliver Bond's Family

Palmers said...

Hi Ewan ,Hope you are having lots of fun.Enjoy yourself and sleep nice.We miss you.

Lots of Love

Dad,Mum,Dylan and Elizbeth

maria&kieran said...

hi Jessica and Anna hope you are having a lovely time sleep well love Mum Dad and Kieran

Leanne said...

Hi Nathan, hope you and your friends are having a great time. forgot to say to you if you wake up early in the morning don`t wake up your mates like you do your broyhers, try and go back to sleep. I don`t think everyone wants to be up at 3 o`clock in the morning

love you lots
mum, dad ,liam and Jayme

Sarah Grostate said...

Hi Hannah, hope you are all having a fantastic time. Enjoy yourselves and we will see you on Wednesday.
Love and hugs
Mum, Dad and Keira x

Sally said...
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Sally said...

Hi Lucy O and Year 2

We hope you are all having a great time. We have been thinking about you all and the exciting things you are doing.
Lucy,Paige,Chelsi and Millie not too much chatting and giggling after "lights out", you have a busy schedule!!!.

Lots of love
Sally & Robert O (Lucy O's Mum & Dad)

Colette said...

Hi Billy. Hope you having great time and having fun trying out all the activities. Say hi to James and Lyndon. Love mum dad and Kirby xxx



Andy&Debbie said...

Hi Lauren,

Hope your having a great time!

Can't wait to see the photo's. Have lots of fun and we will see you Wednesday

Lots of Love

Mum, Dad, Kaelen and Leah

joy said...

Eleanor Have a great time! love & kisses Mum & Dad xxx

Rick & Sadie said...

Hi Anna, Hi Jess, Hope you are both having a wonderful time and having lots of fun. Don't stay up all night chatting! Say Hi to Eleanor and Shauna, Miss you, See you Wednesday.

Lots of Love

Mum, Day Ryan & Bella

Westgar said...

Hello Olivia & Freya

Hope you are having a luvly time. Remember not to talk til midnight!

Have fun
Jordan missing you already

Love You!!!!

Gary, Ali, Jordan and Max
(Daddy, Mummy, Brother and Dog!)

Violet Lane Nursery and Infant Foundation School said...
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stubbs family said...

Hi Amy Stubbs hope your having lots fun with all of your friends.
See you soon.
Lots of Love
Mum & Dad X X

Violet Lane Nursery and Infant Foundation School said...

Hello from Kingswood,

We have had such a busy day!
It started at school when we set off. They sent us the wrong coach, but that was soon changed as they gave us a lovely new one with toilet.

When we arrived at the Sculpture park there were some very strange creations. We went in an underground gallery, then went for a walk along an outside walkway that made funny music. A little futher along we saw a well and a real Elf tree house that had such a small door that only elves could use.

Mr Wallace made us make lots of different circle shapes around this big sculpture.

Everyone ate all of their dinner, not one person left a crumb.

So finally it was off to Kingswood.
It took about half an hour from the Sculpture park.

We were met by two super Leaders called Ben and Clare. They showed us around and we had to make up our own bed! Mum, I don't know how you can make our beds so quickly.

As we looked around we could not believe there is so much to do.

Then they made us sing all of these silly songs, they were so funny.

At Tea time there was lots of choice to eat, even if you could not eat things with nuts or meat in.

Our first activities were so good. Group I went fencing. We looked like big red flies except for Luke who was bigger than us, so he had to wear a big blue suit he looked like a large Blue-bottle fly.
Group J did Team Tech and Group K did the muddy Night line. Lots of washing for you Mums!

Then we thought we could go to bed, but no! We met two funny Instructors called Sophie and Dane. Dane looked just like Shrek, but without the green skin!

In teams we had to build the highest and the strongest towers out of our shoes. The towers were all different but really good.

So Dane said we all were the winners.

Then we had build a cover for a water bomb out of leftover card.

The winner was the one that did not break as as Dane dropped them from the same height.

The winning group could then drop it over Dane. He got so wet. We were laughing so much.

We all then had a warm drink and had a bed time story.

We then collapsed into bed. How could we pack so much into one day. I wonder what tomorrow will hold?

We miss you all so much, but we are so glad we are here.

Speak to you soon

Violet and the Kingswood kids

lisa said...
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lisa said...

Hi, Cieran, Millie, Kirsty, and James. Glad to see you all having a good time so far. looking forward to see the photos.

Lots of love

lisa & Steve (Cieran's mum)

krags said...

Morning Regan, did you sleep well? Hope you had lots of fun last night. Ashlin is going on her spring walk today, what are you doing? Enjoy yourself and we'll see you soon. Love you lots! xxx

Kelly, Stu and Ashlin. (Regan's mum, dad and sister.

berrisford said...

hey jeremiah hope your having a great time miss you my sunshine .have lots of fun. much love mum dad mica &josiah xxxx

Jase said...

Hi Matthew, hope you had a great day yesterday and you didn't keep your teachers up all night!! Have a great day today. See you soon.

Lots of Love

Zoe & Jason (Matthew's Mum & Dad)

Kim said...

Hi Sophie and all year 2. Glad you are having so much fun. Can't wait to see all your photos.

Kim, Martin and Thomas (Sophie's Mum, Dad and Brother)

clare said...

Hi Paige,
Mummy and daddy hope that your all having a good time, and that you managed to get a bit of sleep last night!!!
Hope you all have a fab time today. We miss you but will see you all tomorrow.
Lots of love
Clare and Troy ( Paiges mum and dad)


Hi Riley & Ellis,
hope you are having a great time, sounds like you have been very busy! looking forward to the photos and your stories. Miss you lots and lots. big hugs and kisses for you both.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

vikki said...

Hi kirsty,cieran,millie and james sounds like your having loads of fun.looking forward to seeing your photos.we are all missing you.see you wednesday.
lots of love
vikki,andy&kieran (kirsty's mum,dad&brother)
a big woof from dief and squeak from twistxxxx

Anonymous said...

Dr Marshall is with the children and phoned to give me an update. The children all slept very well, no-one wants to come back with her today. They had cereal followed by a full breakfast, there is certainly plenty to eat. The children are very busy and happy, she thinks they will sleep well tonight. Dr Marshall was rather excited - she had been on a quad bike!

The-Godrich-Family said...

Matty Godrich,
We love you very much and we miss you.
Hope your having a wonderful time
Lots of love from Mummy,Daddy,Jonny,Chloe and Lucy xxx
P.S Its so quiet! x

Anonymous said...

hiya jj hope your enjoying yourself , its so quiet here!! get something good from the shop
love you lots and lots, an miss you xxxx mica xxxx your ma brother xxxx

Hayley said...

Hi Emily and Hannah, Glad you are having a nice time. Sam is missing you Em. Enjoy the disco, sleep well and see you tomorrow. Love and kisses, Mum, Dad and Sam, & Archie (dog) x x x

gibsons said...

hi lucy,sounds like your all having a fantastic time,cant wait to see the photos,have a great time at the disco.looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

love mum,dad & soph

maria&kieran said...

Hi jessica hope you are having a nice time. Found your note and we are missing you even kieran missing you. say hello to Anna and the rest of your room mates enjoy your disco tonight and we will see you tomorrow love Mum Dad Kieran and Scamp xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Regan, have you had a good day? Did you enjoy the quad bikes? I bet you did!! Have a good time at the disco tonight, and we'll see you tomorrow when you come home. Love you lots, Mum, Dad and Ashlin. xxx

Andy&Debbie said...

Hi Lauren,
How are the bunk beds! did you get much sleep?
We are all missing you, Kaelen sends a big Hug and Leah blows a big kiss.

Love you lots
See you Wednesday
Mum, Dad, Kaelen and Leah

Alan and Sue said...

Hi Cieran. hope you and all your friends are having a good time. Take care Lots of LOVE Grandad and Grandma. xx

Leanne said...

Hi Nathan, Glad to hear that you and your friends are having loads of fun, sounds like you have had lots of enjoyable things to do and eating lots.
Can`t wait to hear what you have been upto.

We miss you lots.

all our love

mum, dad liam and jayme

james said...

Hello James,
Glad your all having a fab time. We are all missing you loads and cant wait to see you. Lots and lots of love


Mummy and Daddy (james dales mum and dad)

Anonymous said...

Hi Billy. Hope you had good time at disco. Sounds like you have had loads of fun. Can't wait to see photos of everything you have done. We are missing you so much. Love you and see you tomorrow mum dad and Kirby xxx

Palmers said...

Hi Ewan

hope you are feeling better son.Cant wait to see you tommorrow,have a good evening .

Love you lots Dad,Mum,Dylan and Elizabeth

sheena said...

Hi Millie, hope you are having a great time. Mummy and Daddy are missing you lots and cant wait to see you tommorrow.

Lot of Love
Sheena & Jim (Millie's Mum & Dad)

stubbs family said...

Hi Amy enjoy your last day.
Looking forward to seeing you.

Lots of love

Mum and Dad X X X

Violet Lane Nursery and Infant Foundation School said...

Hello from Kingswood,

Well another packed day we have had today!

It started before breakfast, the boys had a game of football and the girls were drawing and making things. For breakfast there was a cooked feast, cornflakes toast and yoghurt amongst other things.

(Then we all made an Easter cards but I am not supposed to tell you as it is a secret card for Mum and Dad!)

We then split into our activity groups there were some really funny leaders and before we started an activity we had to shout silly things and do funny actions. I thought the climbing wall actions were the best when we had to shout about being monkeys and we wanted bananas.

Mum can I join the circus please, please Pleeeeeeeeeease. Mrs Johnson was great at spinning plates but Miss Lee needs a bit more work. I kept dropping the juggling balls and the sticks.

On the low ropes everything was really wobbly and I kept falling off but luckily we had spotters who we could trust and would help us back onto the ropes.

In the Eco Trail we had to look everywhere for Mini-beasts, some people found worms and spiders while others said they found animals that nobody had heard of such numanbeans, pollypeads. Did you know that there is a special Lobster that lives in the woods at Kingswood? We had to search every where shouting for Larry the Lobster. We found him under some leaves. I think it was a plastic one as it had writing on its tummy but our instructor said it was a special Lobster tattoo with his address on, just in case he wasn’t and he got lost. But I didn’t believe her.

The best activity of them all was the Quad bikes. But we had a few near misses!!
We made Dr Marshall have a go of one of them. She looked so funny with the helmet, goggles and safety equipment on. I can’t wait to see the photo. Mr Wallace couldn’t down load the photos as the computer here at Kingswood wouldn’t down load the software to load them. But they will be put onto our site when we get back.

Mrs McArdles group did Aero ball it was like a very large Trampoline crossed with Basketball it was so tiring jumping up and down but not as dirty as the nightline where we had to walk along holding a rope while blind folded. We got so muddy. Mr Wallace has given us a bin liner to put all of our dirty washing in.

Luke and Mr Wallace had a race of ‘Who could get up the climbing wall the fastest? But Luke lost his grip and Mr Wallace slipped and fell off. The climbing wall was scary but I can’t wait to do it again.

For our tea we had some super options today Ordinary Pasta, Chicken and Mushroom Pie, Salad, Meatballs, Spinach and Ricotta Pasta. But I really didn’t like the sprouts; I don’t know what our room will be like tonight!!!!!!

I felt so grown up at the disco tonight until Luke made us do the Conger to ‘This is the way to Amarillo, I bet we looked so funny. All the Centre Leaders were there dancing and watching us. I thought Mum and Dad couldn’t dance until I saw some of the Teachers dancing it were like watching monkeys trying to copy each other!

Anyway after our Coco we brushed our teeth and went to bed. Did you know not one person got upset last night or tonight? I wish we could stay a few more nights.

Tomorrow we are having a yummy hot cooked meal before we go. I wonder what we will be doing tomorrow.

See you tomorrow; I think we will be back about half 4ish.

Violet and the kids from Kingswood.

Anonymous said...

morning, Cieran
sounds like you are really enjoying yourself. can't wait to see you and hear your stories.

missing you lots

lots of love mummy


Anonymous said...

morning Nathan, hope you slept well. enjoy the rest of your day and we can`t wait to see you later.

all our love
mum,dad, john, liam and jayme

Anonymous said...

Morning Regan, I hear they played your favourite song at the disco (Is this the way to Amerillo!!) I bet you sang really loudly! Can't wait to see you tonight so you can tell us all about it. Have you taken lots of photo's?
Love you lots, Mummy, daddy and

Jonathan said...

Hi to everyone at Kingswood, hope you enjoyed yourselves last night. Have a lovely last day, see you later today,

Love Mum Dad and Finley xxxxxxx


Good morning Riley and Ellis,
sounds like you are having so much fun!! Enjoy your last day and we will see you later. cant wait. Nan, Grandad and Grandma cant wait to see you. Baby Ryleigh will see you on friday. big hugs and kisses, love you, from
Mum, Dad, Alix & Georgia

Anonymous said...

Hi Billy. Sounds like I need to get the washing machine ready for when you get back. This holiday has sounded so wicked. Can't wait for you to get back to tell us all about it. Love you loads. Me dad and Kirby will be waiting at school for you later. Enjoy your last day. Love mum dad and Kirby xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi billy,
we are all missing you loads and loads and loads here. Can't wait to see you when you get back. Looks like you've been having lots of fun.
Lots of love

Jase said...

Morning Matthew, sounds like you are all having a fantastic time. Can't wait to hear all about what you got up to.

Have a great last day, see you tonight.

Love you loads

Mum & Dad


To Mr Wallace, Miss Lee, Miss Macardle, Luke & Miss Johnson, we would just like to say thank you very much for taking us on the trip, having so much fun and for keeping us safe. We had a Fab time with love from Riley and Ellis Bates.

Jase said...

Dear Mrs McArdle, Mr Wallace, Miss Lee, Luke & Mrs Johnson

Thank you very much for taking us on this trip. I've had a fantastic time, I hope you have as well. My favourite bit was the Aeroball.

Lots of Love

Violet Lane Nursery and Infant Foundation School said...

Hello from Kingswood,

Well it is our last day; it has gone so quick I cannot believe it!
Guess what woke us up? The fire alarm. It was a false alarm so everything was fine.

We then went to our rooms and stripped our beds and done our packing, some things were so muddy!

We then had a lovely breakfast which set us up for the next activity.
Some of us played Aero ball some went climbing and one group did team games in Team tech. Then after a short break we it was our last activity they were so much fun.

At lunch time we had a nice hot meal for the journey home. It was a choice of Fish and Chips, Jacket potatoes, Veg roll that looked like sausage rolls, chicken nuggets and we could have as much of the vegetables or Salad as we want. (Some people had both!!) Then we had fresh fruit for afters.

After lunch we went to the meeting room and gave the Leaders a big box of Chocolates and a card as a Thank you. We gave all the teachers an Easter egg and a card as a Thank you. Mr Wallace said how good we had been and we all had a packet of sweets or a box of raisins.

Finally the coach arrived to take us home we were. We were: so tired, so happy, so excited to see our family and friends.

On the coach we all had a biscuit, fruit and a drink.

At school all our friends and teachers were there to meet us. Then our Mums and Dads collected us to go home.

What a happy and great time we all had, I can’t wait to go again.


Violet and the Kids from Kingswood

Violet Lane Nursery and Infant Foundation School said...

Mr Wallace, Mrs. McArdle, Miss. Lee, Mrs. Johnson and Luke

Would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of the children that went on the trip to Kingswood for being well behaved, kind and working very hard.

Well Done Year Two

Anonymous said...

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